Changes for page Document Tree Macro

Last modified by Michael Hamann on 2024/04/12 15:23

From version 45.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2016/07/22 23:31
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 46.1
edited by Marius Dumitru Florea
on 2016/07/25 15:56
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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40 40  |=Name|=Description|=Default Value|=Since
41 41  |checkboxes|Whether to display a checkbox in front of each tree node to allow the user to select multiple tree nodes.|false|6.3RC1
42 42  |compact|If you have limited horizontal space available then you should probably set this to true. The effect is that the node icons and the edges that connect them will be hidden. Some special styles will also be applied to ensure the tree takes less horizontal space while keeping the node labels fully visible.|false|6.3RC1
43 -|filterByClass|Show only the documents that have an object of the specified type. The value of this parameter is the full name of an XWiki document that holds a class definition. For example, 'Blog.CategoryClass' can be used to show only the documents that represent blog categories. Leave this parameter empty if you don't want to restrict the type of documents shown in the tree.|None|6.4M1
43 +|filterByClass|Show only the documents that have an object of the specified type. The value of this parameter is the full name of an XWiki document that holds a class definition. For example, 'Blog.CategoryClass' can be used to show only the documents that represent blog categories. Leave this parameter empty if you don't want to restrict the type of documents shown in the tree. {{warning}}This parameter currently works only with ##hierarchyMode=parentchild##.{{/warning}}|None|6.4M1
44 44  |filterHiddenDocuments|Set this parameter to false if you want to include the hidden documents in the tree. Otherwise, if the value is true, the hidden documents are excluded or included based on current user's preferences.|true|7.4M1
45 45  |finder|Show a text input that can be used to find tree nodes. The input is displayed above the tree and offers suggestions as you type based on the content of the tree. When a suggestion is selected the tree is expanded up to the corresponding node.|false|6.4.1
46 46  |hierarchyMode|Specifies which hierarchy to use between documents. Possible values are "reference" (default) and "parentchild". If "reference" is used then the document hierarchy is defined using only the document reference, especially the nested spaces component of the document reference. If "parentchild" is used then the hierarchy is based on the parent/child relationship defined by the "parent" document field from the database.|reference|7.2M2

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