Changes for page XAR Format Specifications

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/04/11 13:05

From version 20.1
edited by Thomas Mortagne
on 2016/03/01 16:01
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 21.1
edited by Thomas Mortagne
on 2016/04/27 10:11
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -170,6 +170,16 @@
170 170  ** ##name##: {{warning}}deprecated since 1.2 (XWiki 7.2){{/warning}} the name of the document, not taken into account when //reference// attribute is set in ##xwikidoc##
171 171  ** ##language##: {{warning}}deprecated since 1.2 (XWiki 7.2){{/warning}} the locale (as defined in [[Java Locale specifications>>]]) of the document, not taken into account when //reference// attribute is set in ##xwikidoc##
172 172  
173 +* ##attachment##
174 +** //filename//: the name of the file
175 +** //versions//: JRCS Archive dump containing the history of the attachment
176 +** //author//: the author of the attachment
177 +** //date//: epoch date and time
178 +** //version//: the version of the attachment
179 +** //comment//: the comment associated to the version of the attachment
180 +** //content//: the binary content serialized in base64
181 +** //filesize//: the size of the attachment in bytes
182 +
173 173  {{todo}}
174 -Put some documentation for each element
184 +Put some documentation for other elements
175 175  {{/todo}}

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