CKEditor Integration

Version 68.3 by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/04/10 00:06

page_white_editAdds support for editing wiki pages using CKEditor.
Developed by

Marius Dumitru Florea

Active Installs1482
0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

XWiki 6.2.5+

Installable with the Extension Manager


Adds support for editing wiki pages using the CKEditor. Starting with XWiki 8.2 this is the default WYSIWYG editor.

On older versions of XWiki (<8.2), after installing this extension, you should see a new entry in the Edit menu called "CKEditor". Of course, in order to get the Edit menu you need to set the "User Type" to "Advanced" in your user profile preferences.


The editor supports all standard formatting features. You can edit the source (Source tool bar button) and the output of the wiki macros is protected (read only).


Starting with version 1.2 you can insert images by drag & drop or through the image dialog, by selecting from the existing image attachments. You can also create links to wiki pages or attachments, by selecting them from the document tree picker.

Starting with version 1.7 you can insert and edit wiki macros. There's a dedicated button for this on the tool bar that triggers the Macro Wizard.


Configure the Editor

XWiki integrates CKEditor. However XWiki doesn't offer by default all the options you'll find in CKEditor by default. The reason is that we want to offer a simple editor suited for a wiki and there are some features that are less useful in a wiki. In addition we'd like users to be able to focus on writing content and less about style. However you can tune the configuration if you wish to enable those options.

Starting with version 1.9 the recommended way to configure the CKEditor is through the dedicated "WYSIWYG Editor" section in the Wiki Administration.


If you want to configure the CKEditor globally for all the wikis in your farm then you have to copy the file META-INF/resources/webjars/application-ckeditor-webjar/<version>/config.js from WEB-INF/lib/application-ckeditor-webjar-<version>.jar to WEB-INF/classes, preserving its path, and modify it. Don't forget that the configuration properties set at wiki level overwrite the global settings.

If you have an older version of the CKEditor Integration extension installed (<1.9) and you cannot upgrade, you can still configure the editor. You have the following options:

  1. You can edit the CKEditor.EditSheet page using the Object editor, expand the first JavaScriptExtension object ("CKEditor Loader") and look for the ckeditor.replace line. You'll notice there the configuration options.
  2. On XWiki 8.1M1+ you can create a JavaScript extension with the following code:
    require(['deferred!ckeditor'], function(ckeditorPromise) {
      ckeditorPromise.done(function(ckeditor) {
        ckeditor.on('instanceCreated', function(event) {
         // The editor instance was created but it not yet initialized. Unfortunately the configuration object passed when
         // the instance was created has not been merged with the global configuration yet.
         event.editor.once('configLoaded', function(event) {
           // The editor configuration has been loaded (the instance configuration has been merged with the global
           // configuration) but the editor has not been fully initialized yet so we can modify the configuration.
 , {
              height: 200,
            }, true);

    Don't forget to set "Use this extension" to "On this wiki".

See the full list of configuration options in the CKEditor documentation.

Put Dedicated Insert Macro Buttons on the Tool Bar

Starting with version 1.13 you can speed up macro insertion by placing dedicated insert buttons on the tool bar. The following configuration adds two more buttons to the tool bar: the first inserts a Page Tree and the second inserts an HTML snippet.

config['xwiki-macro'] = config['xwiki-macro'] || {};
config['xwiki-macro'].insertButtons = [
    commandId: 'xwiki-macro-html-dirty',
    macroCall: {
      name: 'html',
      parameters: {
        clean: false,
        wiki: true

As you can see, there are two ways in which you can specify the buttons:

  • a simple way: you just specify the macro name
  • an advanced way: you can specify also the macro parameter values and the command name (which is needed if you add move buttons for the same macro)

Then, you can control the button icon from the skin. Here's an example:

a.cke_button.cke_button__xwiki-macro-documenttree > span.cke_button_icon.cke_button__xwiki-macro-documenttree_icon {
 font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
 position: relative;
 top: 1px;
.cke_button_icon.cke_button__xwiki-macro-documenttree_icon::before {
 content: "\e199";
 display: inline-block;
 text-align: center;
 width: 16px;

In this example we've used a font icon, but you can use whatever icon you want through CSS.

Use additional CKEditor plugins

For the CKEditor integration with XWiki we have selected a list of CKEditor plugins that we bundle by default. They provide the basic WYSIWYG editing features like text formatting, inserting links, images, tables, etc. The integration with these default plugins is supported by the XWiki Development Team, which means you can report issues and we'll look into them. There are many more CKEditor plugins available that you can integrate separately in XWiki, but you should be aware that they are not supported by the XWiki Development Team. The most common issue you can have with these plugins is that they may generate HTML that cannot be converted to the XWiki syntax.

You need to do two things if you want to integrate additional CKEditor plugins:

  1. Let CKEditor know where the plugin is located:
    CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('plugin name', 'plugin URL or path');

    You can put this:

    • In the "Advanced Configuration" text area from the CKEditor administration section, if you can hard-code the plugin URL/path or compute it on the client-side using only JavaScript. E.g.:
      CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('foo', new XWiki.Document('Foo', 'Sandbox').getURL('jsx'));

      And the content of the Sandbox.Foo JSX would look something like:

      CKEDITOR.plugins.add('foo', {
        init: function(editor) {
    • In a JavaScript skin extension. E.g.:
      require(['deferred!ckeditor'], function(ckeditorPromise) {
        ckeditorPromise.done(function(ckeditor) {
          ckeditor.plugins.addExternal('foo', "$xwiki.getSkinFile('ckeditorPlugins/foo.js')");
  2. Enable the plugin in the CKEditor configuration:
    config.extraPlugins = 'foo,bar';

Replace the Default Editor (before XWiki 8.2)

Starting with XWiki 8.2 the CKEditor is the default WYSIWYG editor so this section applies only to the older versions of XWiki.

When Editing a Page

By default this extension adds a new "CKEditor" entry to the Edit menu. This means that the CKEditor won't be available for your simple users because only the advanced users have the Edit menu. The simple users have only the Edit button/link/icon. In order to open the CKEditor by default (i.e. replace the default editor) you can navigate to the CKEditor.EditMenuEntry page and from the Objects editing mode replace the Code property of the existing JavaScriptExtension object with:

require(['jquery'], function($) {
  $('#tmEdit > a, a#tmEditDefault').attr('href', function(index, url) {
   return url + (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + 'editor=inline&sheet=CKEditor.EditSheet';
  $('a#tmEditWysiwyg').attr('href', function(index, url) {
   return url.replace('editor=wysiwyg', 'editor=inline&sheet=CKEditor.EditSheet');

As a result the URL of the default edit link will point to the CKEditor. This has no effect though if you open the edit page directly using the URL (browser address bar). If you want the default edit URL (e.g. /xwiki/bin/edit/A/B/C) to open the CKEditor then you'll have to modify the edit.vm Velocity template (e.g. in a custom skin).

When Editing a Section of a Page

In order to be able to edit page sections using the CKEditor you need to edit the CKEditor.EditMenuEntry page as indicated in the previous section and append the following JavaScript code to the end of the Code property:

require(['jquery'], function($) {
 var modifySectionEditLinks = function() {
   // Use the CKEditor for editing page sections.
   $('.edit_section > a').attr('href', function(index, oldHref) {
     return oldHref + '&editor=inline&sheet=CKEditor.EditSheet';
 if (window.XWiki && XWiki.domIsLoaded) {
  } else {
   // XWiki 6.4+
   require(['xwiki-events-bridge'], function() {
      $(document).on('xwiki:dom:loaded', modifySectionEditLinks);

If you're using the CKEditor Integration version 1.2 or older you also need to modify the CKEditor.EditSheet page as indicated in this commit.

When Creating a Blank Page

When you create a page using the "Blank page" (or "Empty wiki page") type (template) you are redirected to the edit mode for that page. In order to use the CKEditor in this case, instead of the default WYSIWYG editor, you need to import the application-ckeditor-blank-page.xar file.


The following is not yet supported but we plan to implement in the future:

  • Import office documents
  • Image preview in the attachment picker
  • Add support for packaging CKEditor plugins as XWiki Extensions

Other tasks remaining to do if we wanted to replace the current WYSIWYG editor:

  • Convert the existing functional tests (or add new ones)

Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

We recommend using the Extension Manager to install this extension (Make sure that the text "Installable with the Extension Manager" is displayed at the top right location on this page to know if this extension can be installed with the Extension Manager). Note that installing Extensions when being offline is currently not supported and you'd need to use some complex manual method.

You can also use the following manual method, which is useful if this extension cannot be installed with the Extension Manager or if you're using an old version of XWiki that doesn't have the Extension Manager:

  1. Log in the wiki with a user having Administration rights
  2. Go to the Administration page and select the Import category
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the downloaded XAR
  4. Click on the uploaded XAR and follow the instructions
  5. You'll also need to install all dependent Extensions that are not already installed in your wiki

Release Notes


This version includes the following:


This version includes the following:


This version is not usable due to CKEDITOR-64. You should install a more recent version (1.6+).


The first version of the integration includes:

  • a new entry in the Edit menu to trigger the CKEditor
  • standard editing features (text formatting, styles, tables, etc.)
  • support for editing the wiki syntax (the Source button on the tool bar)
  • support for protecting wiki macro output (read only)
  • preview, save, save & continue, cancel


Dependencies for this extension (org.xwiki.contrib:application-ckeditor-ui 1.13):

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