History of Features

Last modified by Simon Urli on 2024/09/17 14:53

Results 21 - 40 of 165 « previous page next page » Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
History of Features — revisions from 126.1 to 145.1
From To Version Editor Date Summary
145.1 Marius Dumitru Florea 2023/06/19 18:53 Uploaded new attachment "quick-actions-table.webm", version 1.1
144.1 Marius Dumitru Florea 2023/06/19 18:53 Uploaded new attachment "quick-actions-macros-install.mp4", version 1.1
143.1 Marius Dumitru Florea 2023/06/19 18:52
142.1 Vincent Massol 2023/05/23 15:13 Rollback to version 139.1
141.1 Dorian OUAKLI 2023/05/23 15:06 Rollback to version 139.1
140.1 Dorian OUAKLI 2023/05/23 15:00
139.1 Manuel Leduc 2023/02/07 16:56 Upload new image "image_dimensions_warning.png", version 1.2
138.1 Manuel Leduc 2023/02/07 16:04
137.1 Manuel Leduc 2023/02/07 16:03
136.1 Manuel Leduc 2023/02/07 16:03 Upload new image "image_dimensions_warning.png", version 1.1
135.2 Vincent Massol 2023/01/06 10:47
134.2 Manuel Leduc 2023/01/06 09:46
133.1 Manuel Leduc 2022/11/22 09:14
132.1 Manuel Leduc 2022/11/22 09:11
131.1 Manuel Leduc 2022/11/22 09:09
130.1 Thomas Mortagne 2022/08/24 09:50
129.1 Thomas Mortagne 2022/08/24 09:48 Upload new image "extension-recommended.png", version 1.1
128.1 Thomas Mortagne 2022/08/24 09:48 Upload new image "installextension-warning.png", version 1.1
127.1 Vincent Massol 2022/07/28 14:03
126.1 Marius Dumitru Florea 2022/07/28 13:36

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