WYSIWYG Editor Configuration

Version 12.1 by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2010/06/02 18:47
Warning: For security reasons, the document is displayed in restricted mode as it is not the current version. There may be differences and errors due to this.

WYSIWYG Editor Configuration

Welcome to the WYSIWYG editor configuration guide. This page will help you configure XWiki's GWT rich text editor so that it meets your needs.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [extensions:Extension.GWT WYSIWYG Editor.Configuration.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Quick Reference

Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionDefault Value
allowExternalImagesSpecifies if inserting external images is allowed or not. Setting this configuration parameter to false hides the External tab from the Insert Image dialog.true
colorsThe list of colors available on the color picker. Colors are specified by their hex code and are separated by comma.#000000,#444444,#666666,#999999,#CCCCCC,#EEEEEE,#F3F3F3,#FFFFFF,
colorsPerRowThe maximum number of colors the color picker should display on a row8
debugWhether to load the editor in debug mode or not. In debug mode you can see the dirty HTML generated by the editor, the cleaned HTML, the source text and the rendering events that were triggered during the conversion of the cleaned HTML to source text. The syntax of the source text is controlled by the syntax parameter.false
defaultEditorSpecifies the default tab when displayTabs is true. Use wysiwyg to load initially the WYSIWYG editor and source to load initially the source editor.source
displayTabsWhether to display the WYSIWYG/Source tabs or not. The source editor is not available when the tabs are not displayed. The default tab is controlled by the defaultEditor parameter.false
fontNamesA comma-separated list of font names the user can use to format the text. The font name list box from the toolbar is filled with this list. See font-family CSS property for allowed values.andale mono, arial, arial black, book antiqua, comic sans ms, courier new, georgia, helvetica, impact, symbol, tahoma, terminal, times new roman, trebuchet ms, verdana, webdings, wingdings
fontSizesA comma-separated list of font sizes the user can use to format the text. The font size list box from the toolbar is filled with this list. See font-size CSS property for allowed values. Note that relative sizes (like smaller) are not well detected by the editor.8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt, 24pt, 36pt
hookIdThe id of the HTML element replaced by the editor. Usually the hook element is a plain text area.None
inputURLThe URL of the edited document. Make sure the URL obeys the same origin policy.about:blank
insertimagesSet to currentpage to restrict the image upload and image selection to the edited page. This parameter is used by the insert image feature.None
linkfilesSet to currentpage to restrict the attachment upload and attachment selection to the edited page. This parameter is used by the create link to attachment feature.None
menuA space-separated list of editor plugins that should place their menu entries on the top menu bar. The top menu bar is not displayed if this list is empty, which is the case by default. Make sure the plugins you put on the menu bar are loaded by the editor; see the plugins parameter.Empty string
pageThe name of the edited page. This parameter is used by many plugins in order to be aware of the editing context. See also the space and wiki parameters.None
pluginsA space-separated list of editor plugins that will be loaded. Only the plugins that can work off-line, without the need of a service, are loaded by default. If a plugin provides editing features then you have to change the toolbar parameter in order to enabled them.submit line separator text valign justify list indent history format font color symbol table
rootUIA space-separated list of plugins that extend the editor UI. Make sure the specified plugins are loaded; see the plugins parameter.submit
spaceThe space where the edited page resides. This parameter is used by many plugins in order to be aware of the editing context. See also the page and wiki parameter.None
syncPageThe full name of the page edited in real-time.None
syncResetSet to 1 to reset the synchronization during a real-time editing.0
syntaxThe syntax of the edited document. Make sure the specified syntax is supported by the rendering module. Precisely, there has to be a parser and a renderer for the specified syntax.xhtml/1.0
toolbarA space-separated list of features to be placed on the toolbar. Each feature is provided by a plugin so make sure the required plugins are loaded; see the plugins parameter. You can group features by using the pipe | symbol. To force a multiple line toolbar use the slash / symbol.bold italic underline strikethrough teletype | subscript superscript | justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull | unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format | fontname fontsize forecolor backcolor | hr removeformat symbol
wikiThe wiki where the edited page resides. This parameter is used by many plugins in order to be aware of the editing context. See also the page and space parameter.None

XWiki Preferences

Each preference listed below has a matching configuration parameter which it overwrites.

Preference NameTypeConfiguration Parameter

Plugins and Features

The Plugin Name, Toolbar Features and Menu columns match the plugins, toolbar and menu configuration parameters respectively.

Plugin NameDescriptionToolbar FeaturesMenu
colorControls the colors used inside the rich text area
  • forecolor: text color
  • backcolor: highlight color
fontControls the font used.
  • fontname: change the font name
  • fontsize: change the font size
formatApplies or removes predefined text styles.
  • format: format the text as heading or paragraph
  • removeformat: remove all in-line text formatting
historyControls the editing history.
  • undo: go one step back in the editing history
  • redo: go one step forward in the editing history
indentAllows you to increase or decrease the indentation of list items.
  • outdent: decrease indentation
  • indent: increase indentation
imageAdds support for inserting and editing images-image
justifyControls the text alignment.
  • justifyleft: align text left
  • justifycenter: center text
  • justifyright: align text right
  • justifyfull: justify text
lineControls the behavior of the Enter key inside the rich text area.--
linkAdd support for creating and editing different kind of links-link
listAdds support for creating lists
  • unorderedlist: creates bulleted lists
  • orderedlist: numbered lists
macroAdds support for inserting and editing macros-macro
separatorOffers different kind of content and toolbar separators
  • hr: inserts a horizontal ruler
  • |: separates toolbar features in groups
  • /: breaks the toolbar in multiple lines
submitEnsures that the content of the editor is submitted and also cached by the browser.--
symbolAllows you to insert a special symbol.symbol-
tableAdds support for inserting and editing tables.-table
textOffers standard text formatting.
  • bold: formats text as bold
  • italic: formats text as italic
  • underline: formats text as underlined
  • strikethrough: formats text as stroke through
  • teletype: formats text as monospace
valignAllows you to write simple formulas.
  • subscript: formats the text as subscript
  • superscript: formats the text as superscript


By editing XWiki preferences

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [extensions:Extension.GWT WYSIWYG Editor.Configuration.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Edit XWiki.XWikiPreferences page with the object editor and fill the properties specified in the XWiki Preferences section. If the XWiki.XWikiPreferences object doesn't have those properties then you'll have to add them to the class. Finally, reload the edited page to see the WYSIWYG editor changes.

By editing the velocity templates

The WYSIWYG editor is configured by a velocity macro named wysiwyg_storeConfig which can be found in templates/macros.vm. In older versions of XWiki Enterprise (prior to 1.9) the code of the wysiwyg_storeConfig macro is placed in templates/editwysiwygnew.vm. Use the parameters listed in the Configuration Parameters section to configure the editor. You may have to restart the server in order for the changes to take effect because velocity templates can be cached at application startup.

By customizing the skin

You have to overwrite the wysiwyg_storeConfig velocity macro from templates/macros.vm in your skin. Reload the edited page to see the WYSIWYG editor changes.


Enable toolbar features

Editing features (e.g. make text bold, change text color) are provided by editor plugins (e.g. text, color). Another way to see this is that similar editing features are grouped together in a plugin (e.g. changing the background color and the text color features form the color plugin). In order to enable a feature and make it available on the toolbar for instance you first have to enable the plugin that provides that feature.

Let's see how you can add the Background Color button to the WYSIWYG editor toolbar. In this example we're going to edit macros.vm template but you can do the same using only XWiki preferences.

First, search for the wysiwyg_storeConfig velocity macro in templates/macros.vm. This macro should have a line like this:

plugins: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.plugins", "submit line separator text list indent history format symbol link image table macro importer#if($full && $request.sync) sync#end")',

Add the color plugin:

plugins: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.plugins", "submit line separator text color list indent history format symbol link image table macro importer#if($full && $request.sync) sync#end")',

The position of the plugin name in the list is not important. What matters is that it appears in the list so the WYSIWYG editor can load it. You can find what plugins are available in Plugins and Features section of this page.

Next you have to add backcolor feature to the toolbar. Change the following line:

toolbar: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.toolbar", "bold italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | hr symbol")',


toolbar: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.toolbar", "bold italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | hr symbol | backcolor")',

You can place the Background Color button anywhere on the toolbar. Just make sure you leave a space before and after, unless its the first or the last feature on the toolbar.

That's it. You have to restart your server because macros.vm is cached by default at application startup. Reload the edited page and you should see the Background Color button appear on the toolbar of your WYSIWYG editor.

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