Wiki source code of WYSIWYG Editor

Version 17.1 by Sorin Burjan on 2010/06/14 09:15

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Marius Dumitru Florea 4.1 1 = WYSIWYG Editor =
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 2
Sorin Burjan 14.2 3 (% class="floatinginfobox" %)
4 (((
Guillaume Lerouge 7.2 5 **Contents**
Guillaume Lerouge 7.1 7 {{toc depth="2"/}}
8 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 9
Guillaume Lerouge 7.2 10 Welcome to the WYSIWYG editor user guide. This page will help you discover all the features from XWiki's GWT rich text editor.
Vincent Massol 9.4 12 {{info}}
13 This page describes all the features supported by the WYSIWYG editor. Not all of them are enabled in the default XWiki Enterprise distribution. See the [[configuration page>>AdminGuide.WysiwygEditor]] if you want to enable or disable any of the features presented here.
14 {{/info}}
Marius Dumitru Florea 8.1 15
Vincent Massol 9.4 16 == Pre-requisites ==
Marius Dumitru Florea 8.1 17
Vincent Massol 9.4 18 {{include document="WysiwygEditorPrerequisites"/}}
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 20 == Quick Reference ==
22 {{toc scope="local" start="3"/}}
24 === Toolbar ===
Sorin Burjan 14.2 26 [[image:toolbar.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
28 Not all the buttons appear in the default instalation. See the [[configuration page>>AdminGuide.WysiwygEditor]] if you want to enable or disable any of the features presented here.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 30 |=Toolbar Item|=Function
Sorin Burjan 12.1 31 |[[image:bold.gif]][[image:italic.gif]][[image:underline.gif]][[image:strikethrough.gif]][[image:tt.gif]]|Applies **bold**, //italic//, __underline__, --strikethrough-- or ##teletype## formatting to the selected text. See [[Text Styles>>#HTextStyles]].
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 32 |[[image:subscript.gif]][[image:superscript.gif]]|Subscript (x,,2,,) or superscript (x^^2^^) the selected text. See [[Subscript and Superscript>>#HSubscriptandSuperscript]].
33 |[[image:justifyleft.gif]][[image:justifycenter.gif]][[image:justifyright.gif]][[image:justifyfull.gif]]|Sets the text alignment: left, centered, right or justified. See [[Text Alignment>>#HTextAlignment]].
34 |[[image:ul.gif]][[image:ol.gif]]|Creates bulleted or numbered lists. See [[Creating Lists>>#HCreatingLists]].
35 |[[image:indent.gif]][[image:outdent.gif]]|Increases or decreases the indentation of a list item. See [[Creating Lists>>#HCreatingLists]].
36 |[[image:undo.gif]][[image:redo.gif]]|Undo or redo the most recent action taken. See [[Undo and Redo>>#HUndoandRedo]].
Marius Dumitru Florea 10.1 37 |[[image:format.png]]|Formats the text as heading (level 1 to 6). See [[Headings>>#HHeadings]].
38 |[[image:fontname.png]]|Changes the font used by the selected text. See [[Fonts>>#HFonts]].
39 |[[image:fontsize.png]]|Changes the font size used by the selected text. See [[Text Size>>#HTextSize]].
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 40 |[[image:forecolor.gif]][[image:backcolor.gif]]|Changes the text color or the background color of the selected text. See [[Colors>>#HColors]].
Marius Dumitru Florea 10.1 41 |[[image:hr.gif]]|Inserts a horizontal rule.
42 |[[image:removeformat.gif]]|Removes the formatting from the selected text. See [[Remove Formatting>>#HRemoveFormatting]].
43 |[[image:charmap.gif]]|Inserts symbols or special characters (accented characters, trademark, currency symbol etc.). See [[Inserting Symbols>>#HInsertingSymbols]].
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 44
Sorin Burjan 15.2 45
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 46 === Menus ===
Sorin Burjan 15.2 48 [[image:menu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 49
50 ==== Link ====
52 Insert link menu is active when the caret or selection is outside of a link.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 54 |(% rowspan="4" %)[[image:linkinsertmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can link to one of the exiting wiki pages or to a new wiki page.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 55 |2. The user can link to one of the existing attachments or upload a new attachment to the edited page.
56 |3. The user can link to any web page by pasting its address.
57 |4. The user can link to an email address.
59 Edit link menu is active when the caret or selection is inside a link.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 61 |(% rowspan="2" %)[[image:linkeditmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can edit an existing link (i.e. change its target). A specific dialog is opened depending on the link type.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 62 |2. The user can remove an existing link.
64 See also [[Creating and Editing Links>>#HCreatingandEditingLinks]] for a detailed description of how links can be created and edited.
66 ==== Image ====
68 Insert image menu is active when there's no image selected.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 70 [[image:imageinsertmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]1. The user can insert one of the attached images or upload a new image.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 71
72 Edit image menu is active when there's an image selected.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 73 [[image:imageeditmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
74 |(% rowspan="2" %)[[image:imageeditmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can edit the selected image (i.e. change its source, width, height etc.).
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 75 |2. The user can remove the selected image.
77 See also [[Inserting and Editing Images>>#HInsertingandEditingImages]] for a detailed description of how images can be inserted and edited.
79 ==== Table ====
81 Insert table menu is active when the caret is not inside a table cell.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 83 |[[image:tableinsertmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can insert a table by specifying the number of rows and columns.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 84
85 Edit table menu is active when the caret is inside a table cell.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 87 |(% rowspan="7" %)[[image:tableeditmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can insert an empty column before the column in which the caret or selection is.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 88 |2. The user can insert an empty column after the column in which the caret or selection is.
89 |3. The user can delete the column in which the caret or selection is.
90 |4. The user can insert an empty row before the row in which the caret or selection is.
91 |5. The user can insert an empty row after the row in which the caret or selection is.
92 |6. The user can delete the row in which the caret or selection is.
93 |7. The user can delete the table in which the caret or selection is.
95 See also [[Creating and Editing Tables>>#HCreatingandEditingTables]] for a detailed description of how tables can be created and edited.
97 ==== Macro ====
99 Insert macro menu is active when there's no macro selected.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 101 |(% rowspan="4" %)[[image:macroinsertmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can insert a predefined macro.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 102 |2. The user can force a refresh of all the macros' output. This is useful when macro output depends on the page content like in the case of the Table of Contents macro.
103 |3. The user can collapse all the macros in the edited page.
104 |4. The user can expand all the macros in the edited page.
106 Edit macro menu is active when there's a macro selected.
Sorin Burjan 15.3 108 |(% rowspan="3" %)[[image:macroeditmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can change the parameters or the content of the selected macro.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 109 |2. The user can collapse the selected macro.
110 |3. The user can expand the selected macro.
112 See also [[Inserting and Editing Macros>>#HInsertingandEditingMacros]] for a detailed description of how macros can be inserted and edited.
Sorin Burjan 15.2 114 ====Import ====
Sorin Burjan 16.2 115 Import office files.
116 |(% rowspan="3" %)[[image:ImportOfficeDocument.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]|1. The user can import an entire Microsoft Office Word document.
117 |2. The user can copy or paste the content of an office document from or in the clipboard.
118 See [[Importing Office Content>>#HImportingOfficeContent]].
Sorin Burjan 15.2 119
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 120 === Tabs ===
Sorin Burjan 16.3 121 [[image:tabs.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 122
124 The user can view or edit the document source code by clicking on the Source tab (for advanced users). **The source code is not necessarily HTML**. It depends on the editor configuration. Usually the source code is in wiki syntax but the editor supports any syntax that can be converted to and from HTML.
126 == Keyboard Shortcuts ==
128 Some of the editing features have keyboard shortcuts, improving the editing speed. Below you will find an alphabetical list with all of the keyboard shortcuts:
130 * **Ctrl+A** selects all the content inside the editing area.
131 * **Ctrl+B** or **Meta+B** formats the selected text as bold.
132 * **Ctrl+C** or **Ctrl+Insert** copies the current selection to the clipboard.
133 * **Ctrl+Down** creates an empty paragraph after the table containing the caret or the selection and places the caret in it. This is useful when you can't move the caret after a table because the page ends with it.
134 * **Ctrl+I** or **Meta+I** formats the selected text as italic.
135 * **Ctrl+U** or **Meta+U** formats the selected text as underline.
136 * **Ctrl+Up** creates an empty paragraph before the table containing the caret or the selection and places the caret in it. This is useful when you can't move the caret before a table because the page starts with it.
137 * **Ctrl+V** or **Shift+Insert** pastes the data from the clipboard
138 * **Ctrl+X** or **Shift+Delete** cuts the current selection.
139 * **Ctrl+Y** or **Meta+Y** triggers the redo function.
140 * **Ctrl+Z** or **Meta+Z** triggers the undo function.
142 See also [[Writing>>#HWriting]] to find out how standard keys like Enter, Backspace, Delete or Tab behave.
144 == Interface ==
146 === Editing Area ===
Sorin Burjan 17.1 148 [[image:rta.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 149 The editing area is the place where you will type in your text and format your document. It is a rich text area because you can see, while editing, how the text will look like after it is saved. Before you start typing make sure the editing area is focused. One way to focus the text area is to click on it. This should make the blinking insertion caret appear. You can control the caret using the arrow keys. Besides typing, the editing area allows you to select a piece of text. This is useful when you want to format your text. If your content becomes larger than the available space in the editing area the scrollbars, vertical or horizontal, will appear. The scrollbars allow you to go up and down, as well as left and right through your text.
151 === Toolbar ===
Sorin Burjan 17.1 153 [[image:toolbar.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 154 The toolbar is the place where you can find most of the editor features. It is placed right on top of the editing area. Each feature can be activated through a widget like a button or a list box. Features can be grouped and groups of features are separated from one another using a small vertical bar. The toolbar gets updated whenever you take an action on the editing area (like typing a character or clicking). As a consequence, some features could be disabled depending on where you place the insertion caret inside the rich text area.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 156 [[image:toolbarstate.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 157
158 A toolbar button can be in one of the four states depicted in the previous image. From left to right we have: not clicked, hovering, clicked and disabled. When a button is in the not clicked state it means the associated feature hasn't been activated on the current context. By current context we mean the place where the insertion caret or the selected text is inside the editing area. When you place the mouse pointer over a toolbar button the later enters the hovering state. In this state you can see a tooltip explaining what the associated feature does. If a toolbar button is in the clicked state then it means the associated features has been activated on the current context. By clicking the button again you can usually toggle off the effect of the feature (remove the bold style, remove the right alignment etc,). A toolbar button is disabled when you are not allowed to activate its feature in the current context.
160 Toolbar list boxes are also updated when you take an action on the editing area. The proper value is selected depending on the current context. If no value is selected then it means that none of the list box options match the value of the associated feature for the current context (i.e. none of the predefined fonts match the font of the current text selection; the text around the insertion caret has a non standard text size).
162 === Menus ===
Sorin Burjan 17.1 164 [[image:menu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 165 The menu bar is the place where you can find the advanced editing features. It is placed right on top of the toolbar. By clicking on a top menu item you can see what entries it has. Most of the top menu items have two sets of sub entries: insert/creation related and edit related. For instance, there is an insert link menu and an edit link menu. When you place the caret inside a link the edit link menu is activated. When you move the caret outside the link the insert link menu becomes active.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 167 [[image:macroinsertmenu.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 168 Some of the menu items have an icon to help us easily recognize them. When a menu item is disabled it means its feature cannot be activated on the current context (the currently selected text or the text around the insertion caret).
170 === Tabs ===
Sorin Burjan 16.3 172 [[image:tabs.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 173 The editor provides tabs to switch to source editing for advanced users. This tabs are situated right on top of the menu bar if the editor was configured to display them.
175 === Dialogs ===
177 Some of the editing features require additional information from the user. This information is taken using dialogs. Most of the dialogs are modal: the user can't edit while the dialog is opened. The editing is prevented using a glass panel so that the user can still see the text from the editing area while the dialog is opened. If the dialog covers a fragment of text the user wants to see then he can move the dialog by dragging it over the screen. In order to speed up the dragging and to allow the user to see as much as possible from the editing area, only the title bar is visible when the dialog is dragged.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 179 [[image:symbolpickerdragging.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 180 Simple dialogs have a title bar and a body. The title bar has an icon on the left side followed by the dialog title. At the right end of the title bar there is the close button which acts like a cancel button.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 182 [[image:colorpicker.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 183 The color picker is a special dialog that allows us to change the color of the selected text. Unlike the other dialogs, it auto hides when you click on the editing area. The current color is displayed using a bigger square, as it is depicted in the previous image (see the red square). See [[Colors>>#HColors]].
Sorin Burjan 17.1 185 [[image:symbolpicker.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 186 The symbol picker is a special dialog that allows us to insert a special symbol (such as accented characters, trademark, currency symbol etc.) in place of the current text selection or at the caret position. Just click on the desired symbol to insert it. See [[Inserting Symbols>>#HInsertingSymbols]].
Sorin Burjan 17.1 188 [[image:link2wikistep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 189 Complex dialogs are used in wizards. Their body is made of three parts: the header, the content and the footer. The header usually contains the title of the wizard step and the next/previous buttons. The content of the dialog includes the input controls used to collect data from the user. The footer usually contains the buttons for canceling the wizard or finishing it at the current step.
191 == Standard Features ==
193 {{toc scope="local" start="3"/}}
195 === Writing ===
197 The **Enter** key (also known as the **Return** key) produces a different effect depending on the context where it is pressed:
199 * creates a new list item if the caret is inside a non empty list item
200 * transforms an empty list item into plain text
201 * inserts a line break if the caret is inside a table cell
202 * inserts an empty line before the current heading or paragraph if the caret is at the beginning of a heading or paragraph
203 * creates a new paragraph if the caret is inside a paragraph or a heading
205 You can use **Shift+Enter** to force a line break in a context where the Enter key would produce a different effect. For instance you can press Shift+Enter inside a list item to generate a line break instead of creating a new list item. Advanced users can also use the Ctrl and Meta modifiers when the caret is inside nested block-level containers (i.e. paragraph inside list item inside table cell) to force the Enter key to be handled by the nearest block-level container. For instance, if the caret is inside a level one heading ("Title 1" formatting) which is inside a list item then:
207 * pressing Enter will create a new list item
208 * pressing Shift+Enter will create a line break in the heading
209 * pressing **Ctrl+Enter** or **Meta+Enter** will create a new paragraph after the heading, inside the list item
211 The **Backspace** and **Delete** keys can be used for deleting characters, whole words or the selected text. If you press **Ctrl+Backspace** or **Ctrl+Delete** you erase the whole word that is before or after, respectively, the insertion caret. The Backspace key ca also be used to remove the empty lines before a paragraph or heading if it is pressed at the beginning of a paragraph or heading.
213 The **Tab** key behaves also differently depending on the context where it is pressed:
215 * indents a list item if the caret is at the beginning of that list item
216 * moves the caret to the next table cell, creating a new table row if the caret is inside the last table cell
217 * inserts 4 spaces if none of the previous cases apply
219 **Shift+Tab** has the opposite effect of the Tab key:
221 * outdents a list item if the caret is a the beginning of that list item
222 * moves the caret to the previous table cell
224 See [[Keyboard Shortcuts>>#HKeyboardShortcuts]] for a list of key combinations supported by the editor.
226 === Text Formatting ===
228 Text formatting determines how your text will look in your document.
230 ==== Text Styles ====
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 232 You can change the way your text looks like by choosing whether the font should be bold ([[image:bold.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]]), italic ([[image:italic.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]]), underlined ([[image:underline.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]]), stroked through ([[image:strikethrough.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]]) or teletype ([[image:tt.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]]). To apply any of this styles you just have to click the associated toolbar button. The chosen style affects either the selected text or, if there is just the insertion caret, the next characters you'll be writing.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 233
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 234 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 235 (((
236 **This is a text with bold style**
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 237
238 //This is a text with italic style//
240 __This is a text with underline style__
242 --This is a text with strike through style--
Sorin Burjan 14.2 244 ##This is a text with teletype style##
245 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 246
247 You can mix any of these styles. To toggle off a text style click again the associated toolbar button. If you want to remove all the styles at once see [[Remove Formatting>>#HRemoveFormatting]].
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 249 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 250 (((
251 You can mix **bold** and //italic// styles: **//Hello user!//**
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 252
253 You can mix //italic// and __underline__ styles: //__Hello user!__//
Sorin Burjan 14.2 255 You can mix **bold**, ##teletype## and --strike through-- styles: **##--Hello user!--##**
256 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 257
258 See [[Keyboard Shortcuts>>#HKeyboardShortcuts]] to find out how you can change the text style using only the keyboard.
260 ==== Subscript and Superscript ====
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 262 Subscript and superscript are usually used for writing simple mathematical formulas. Subscript is a way to put an index to a character. The subscript has a smaller font size than the normal text. To activate subscript you must click the [[image:subscript.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button from the toolbar. The superscript works in the same way as the subscript, the only difference being that the index is placed at the top. You can use the [[image:superscript.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button from the toolbar to write simple mathematical expressions like the "x to the power 2".
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 263
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 264 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 265 (((
266 ##P,,ABC,, = L,,AB,, + L,,BC,, + L,,CA,,##
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 267
268 ##E = mc^^2^^##
Sorin Burjan 14.2 270 ##P(x) = x,,1,,^^a^^ + x,,2,,^^b^^##
271 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 272
273 You can mix subscript with superscript, though the result doesn't very nice. You can also apply [[Text Styles>>#HTextStyles]] to subscript and superscript text.
275 ==== Text Alignment ====
277 A paragraph of text or a heading can have its lines aligned to either of the sides of the page, as well as centering on it. You may also force the lines to take the entire space available in the document (like aligning to both sides at the same time).
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 279 To align your text at the **left** side of the editing area, press the [[image:justifyleft.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button on the toolbar.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 280
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 281 (% style="border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(221, 221, 221) rgb(221, 221, 221) rgb(221, 221, 221) DarkRed; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 2px; width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 282 (((
283 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis egestas dignissim. Duis arcu libero, dictum at consectetur sed, varius non leo. Curabitur vitae condimentum dui. Curabitur quis tincidunt velit.
284 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 285
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 286 If you want instead to have the text aligned in the **center** of the page, just press the [[image:justifycenter.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button on the toolbar.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 287
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 288 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px; text-align: center;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 289 (((
290 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis egestas dignissim. Duis arcu libero, dictum at consectetur sed, varius non leo. Curabitur vitae condimentum dui. Curabitur quis tincidunt velit.
291 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 292
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 293 In order to align your text to the **right** side of the editing area, click the [[image:justifyright.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button from your toolbar.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 294
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 295 (% style="border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(221, 221, 221) DarkRed rgb(221, 221, 221) rgb(221, 221, 221); border-width: 1px 2px 1px 1px; width: 500px; text-align: right;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 296 (((
297 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis egestas dignissim. Duis arcu libero, dictum at consectetur sed, varius non leo. Curabitur vitae condimentum dui. Curabitur quis tincidunt velit.
298 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 299
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 300 If you want all lines to have the same line width then click the [[image:justifyfull||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] toolbar button.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 301
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 302 (% style="border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(221, 221, 221) DarkRed; border-width: 1px 2px; width: 500px; text-align: justify;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 303 (((
304 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis egestas dignissim. Duis arcu libero, dictum at consectetur sed, varius non leo. Curabitur vitae condimentum dui. Curabitur quis tincidunt velit.
305 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 306
307 ==== Headings ====
309 Headings can be used to organize your text. You can split the content in **sections** and **subsections** and then specify a title for each of them. You can choose the heading level to apply from the format list box which is found on the toolbar. If you want to remove the heading style just choose "Plain text" from the format list box.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 311 [[image:formatexample.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 312 ==== Fonts ====
Sorin Burjan 17.1 314 [[image:fontname.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 315 Fonts determine how the letters of your text look like. "Times New Roman" and "Arial" are among the most used fonts. To use a different font you have to select one from the font list box found on the toolbar.
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 317 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 318 (((
319 (% style="font-family: comic sans ms;" %)This is a Comic Sans MS font.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 320
321 (% style="font-family: courier new;" %)This is a Courier New font.
Sorin Burjan 14.2 323 (% style="font-family: times new roman;" %)This is a Times New Roman font.
324 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 325
326 The editor detects the font used around the insertion caret or by the selected text and updates the font list box accordingly.
328 ==== Text Size ====
Sorin Burjan 17.1 330 [[image:fontsize.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 331 To change your font size pick one from the font size list box found on the toolbar.
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 333 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 334 (((
335 (% style="font-size: 8pt;" %)This text's size is 8pt.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 336
337 (% style="font-size: 18pt;" %)This text's size is 18pt.
Sorin Burjan 14.2 339 (% style="font-size: 24pt;" %)This text's size is 24pt.
340 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 341
342 The editor detects the font size and updates the toolbar list box accordingly.
344 ==== Colors ====
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 346 The other option to make your text look different is changing the text color or its background color. If you want to change your **text color** press the [[image:forecolor.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] toolbar button and pick a color from the palette by clicking on it.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 347
Sorin Burjan 17.1 348 [[image:colorpicker.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 349 The current color is displayed using a //bigger// square, as you can see in the previous image.
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 351 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 352 (((
353 (% style="color: red;" %)
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 354 This text is written in red.
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 356 (% style="color: green;" %)
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 357 This text is written in green.
Sorin Burjan 14.2 359 (% style="color: blue;" %)This text is written in blue.
360 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 361
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 362 You may also change the **text background color** using the [[image:backcolor.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button. As with other text styles, you can mix text color with background color.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 363
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 364 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 365 (((
366 (% style="background-color: yellow;" %)This text has yellow background.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 367
Sorin Burjan 14.2 368 (% style="color: red; background-color: lightGray;" %)This text is written in red and has a light gray background.
369 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 370
371 ==== Remove Formatting ====
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 373 If you wish to remove all the styles applied to a piece of text (i.e. font, color, bold, italic, etc.), select it and press the [[image:removeformat.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 374
375 === Creating Lists ===
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 377 You can create two kinds of lists: **numbered** (also called **ordered** because the order of the list items is important) and **bulleted** (also called **unordered** because the order of the list items is not important). The only difference between these two types of lists is the symbol (a number or a bullet) preceding the list items; they behave the same. To start a list you have to place the caret on the line that you would like to become the first list item in your new list and click the toolbar button for the type of list you wish to create: [[image:ul.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] for a bulleted list or [[image:ol.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] for a numbered list.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 378
Sorin Burjan 17.1 380 [[image:listcreatestep1.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 381
Sorin Burjan 17.1 382 [[image:listcreatestep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 384 You can also quickly create a list from a couple of lines by selecting those lines and pressing the toolbar button for the type of list you wish to create.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 387 [[image:listcreatestep3.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 388
Sorin Burjan 17.1 389 [[image:listcreatestep4.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 390 Once you have a list you can add more list items by using the **Enter** key. Pressing Enter in the middle of a list item splits that list item in two. Pressing Enter at the end of a list item creates a new empty list item.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 393 [[image:listcreatestep5.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 394
Sorin Burjan 17.1 395 [[image:listcreatestep6.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 396 You can create **sublists** by **indenting** list items. To do this click the [[image:indent.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button from the toolbar. Note that you can indent just one level because a sublist must always have a parent list. You can indent multiple list items at once though, by selecting them first. The **outdent** feature, [[image:outdent.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]], is the opposite of indent. Unlike indent, you can outdent a list item multiple levels. Outdenting a top level list item transforms it in plain text.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 397
Sorin Burjan 17.1 399 [[image:listcreatestep7.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 400
Sorin Burjan 17.1 401 [[image:listcreatestep8.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 402 You can **mix** bulleted lists with numbered lists.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 405 [[image:listcreatestep9.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 406
Sorin Burjan 17.1 407 [[image:listcreatestep10.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 408 After you created the list, press the toolbar button for the associated list type to go back to plain text.
410 === Creating and Editing Links ===
412 In order to **create** a link you usually select the text that you would like to become the label of the link and then choose the right option from the "Link" menu based on the type of link you wish to create. You can change the label of the link later: in the link creation process, by editing the link after it was created or directly in the editing area. Be careful though that when you change the label in the link creation process or by editing the link the label looses its formatting (see [[Text Formatting>>#HTextFormatting]]). If you don't want to loose the formatting then edit the link label directly inside the editing area. Selecting the label before choosing a type of link from the "Link" menu is not required: you'll be asked to provide a label during the link creation process and this label will be inserted at the caret position. Moreover, you can select an image as the link label.
414 To **edit** the link properties (not just the label) you have to use the "Edit link" menu which is active only when a link is selected. To select a link you can either place the caret inside the link label or select a piece of the link label. If the link label is an image then you have to select that image.
416 To **remove** a link (unlink) you have to select the link and choose "Remove link" from the "Link" menu. Note that the link label (text or image) is not deleted from the document. In case the caret is at the beginning or at the end of the link label, but inside of it (i.e. typing changes the link label), the "Remove link" menu places the caret before or after the link, respectively (i.e. typing adds characters before or after the link respectively).
418 **Note**: You cannot create links inside links and you cannot create a link if the selected label spans through multiple blocks of text (paragraphs, headings, lists etc.). This last constraint is due to the fact that a link has to be in-line.
420 ==== Link to wiki page ====
422 To create a link to a wiki page choose "Wiki page" from the "Link" menu.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 425 [[image:link2wikistep1.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 426 First you have to select the wiki page you wish to link to. You can use the tree to browse the exiting wiki pages. If you want to link to a page that doesn't exist yet then select "New page..." from the tree. This doesn't create a new page but just a link to a missing wiki page.
428 Advanced users can use the text box below the tree to quickly search for wiki pages. You have use this syntax: **WikiName:SpaceName.PageName**. The wiki name and the space name can be omitted. The text box will offer you suggestions based on the wiki pages that match your input.
430 After you select the target wiki page (either by using the tree or the text box) click the "Select" button to proceed to the next step.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 432 [[image:link2wikistep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 433 Now you can edit the link parameters:
435 * the link label
436 * the tool tip: the text to display when the mouse cursor hovers over the link
437 * if the link should be opened in a new window or not
439 Click "Create link" when you're done. You will comeback to this dialog when editing a link.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 442 [[image:link2wikistep3.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 443 Your link should be visible inside the editing area at this point. Try to hover the mouse cursor over the link or to edit the link label in place.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 445 [[image:link2wikistep4.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 446 ==== Link to attachment ====
448 To create a link to an attachment choose "Attached file" from the "Link" menu.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 450 [[image:link2attachmentstep1.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 451 First you have to select the attachment you wish to link to. You can choose from the files attached to the edited page. In our example we have three images attached to the current page. If you want to attach a new file then select "Upload new file" and click "Select". In our example we wanted to create a link to an attachment from a different wiki page than the one edited. For this we clicked on the "All pages" tab. If your attachment is on the current page then just click "Select" and skip the next step.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 454 [[image:link2attachmentstep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 455 Use the tree to browse the wiki pages in search for the right attachment to link to. As you can see, each page has an "Attachments" child node that holds the attached files. Notice the "Upload file..." entry which you can use to attach a new file to the corresponding page.
457 Advanced users can use the text box below the tree to quickly search for attached files. You have use this syntax: **WikiName:SpaceName.PageName@AttachmentFileName**. The wiki name, the space name and the page name can be omitted. The text box will offer you suggestions based on the attachment file names that match your input.
459 After you select the attachment (either by using the tree or the text box) click the "Select" button to proceed to the next step.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 461 image:
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 462
Sorin Burjan 17.1 463 [[image:link2attachmentstep3.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 464 Now you can edit the link parameters:
466 * the link label
467 * the tool tip: the text to display when the mouse cursor hovers over the link
468 * if the link should be opened in a new window or not
470 This are the same parameters as for a link to a wiki page. Click "Create link" when you're done. You will comeback to this dialog when editing a link.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 472 [[image:link2attachmentstep4.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 473 Your link should be visible inside the editing area at this point. You can view or download the attachment by following this link in view mode.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 475 [[image:link2attachmentstep5.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 476 ==== Link to web page ====
478 To create a link to a web page is very easy. You have to choose "Web page" from the "Link" menu and then fill in the link parameters:
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 480 * the address of the web page you wish to link to (you can paste here an address copied from the web browser's address bar). If you don't specify a protocol (like we did in out example) then the default HTTP protocol is considered. So you can simply type __www.xwiki.org__ and the final address will be __http:~/~/www.xwiki.org__. Of course you can use other protocols if you want to.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 481 * the link label
482 * the tool tip: the text to display when the mouse cursor hovers over the link
483 * if the link should be opened in a new window or not
485 Click "Create link" when you're done.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 487 [[image:link2webpage.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 488 ==== Link to email ====
490 Creating a link to an email address is much line creating a link to a web page. The only difference is that you have to specify an email address instead of a web page address.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 492 [[image:link2email.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 493 ==== Image link ====
495 You can use an image as the label of a link. To do this you have to select the image and then follow the steps for the type of link you wish to create. Note that you won't be able to edit the link label during the link creation process. If you want to change the label of an image link after it was created then edit the image.
497 === Inserting Symbols ===
499 In order to insert symbols or special characters (accented characters, trademark, currency symbol etc.) you have to follow this steps:
501 1. place the caret where you would like the symbol to be inserted //or// select the text that you would like to be replaced by the inserted symbol
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 502 1. press the [[image:charmap.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button on the toolbar
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 503 1. click on the symbol you wish to insert
Sorin Burjan 17.1 505 [[image:symbolpicker.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 506 The symbol picker automatically closes after you choose a symbol. The caret is placed after the inserted symbol so you can open the symbol picker again if you wish to insert more symbols. Inserted symbols are like any other characters you type so you can use the Delete or Backspace keys to remove them and of course you can apply [[Text Formatting>>#HTextFormatting]].
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 508 (% style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); width: 500px;" %)
Sorin Burjan 14.2 509 (((
510 **10£**
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 511
512 iTunes(% style="color: rgb(255, 153, 0);" %)®
Sorin Burjan 14.2 514 (% style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" %)? ? ?r²
515 )))
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 516
517 === Inserting and Editing Images ===
519 To insert an image place the caret where you want the image to be inserted and choose "Insert image" from the "Image" menu. Make sure you don't have an image selected before opening the "Image" menu because otherwise you'll see the edit image menu entries and no "Insert image" entry.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 522 [[image:imagestep1.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 523 You have three ways to specify which image to insert:
525 * Choose from the images already attached to the edited page. In our example there are two images already attached to the edited page: the Ubuntu logo and the Firefox logo.
526 * Choose from the images attached to the other pages. For this you have to click on the "All pages" tab and specify the page where the image you want is attached.
527 * Upload a new image to the edited page.
529 Whatever option you choose you have to click on the "Select" button to move to the next step.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 532 [[image:imagestep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 533 In our example we choose to upload a new image. Browse through your local files and pick the image you want then click on the "Upload" button to attach the image to the edited page.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 536 [[image:imagestep3.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 537 In the final step, before the image is inserted, you can edit the image properties. Here's what you can specify:
539 * the image **width** and **height** on the page (i.e. how much space does the image take on the page)
540 * an **alternative text** that is printed instead on the image when the image can't be displayed
541 * if the text should flow around the image (**horizontal alignment**) or not; if you want the image to be on the left and the text to flow on its right side then choose //Left//; if you want the image to be on the right and the text to flow on its left side then choose //Right//; if you want the image to be centered horizontally on the page then choose //Center// but note that in this case the text can't flow on the left nor on the right side of the image.
542 * how is the image aligned relative to the height of the line where it is inserted (**vertical alignment**); if you want the image to be aligned to the top of the line then choose //Top//; if you want the image to be centered vertically on the line where it is inserted then choose //Middle//; if you want the image to be aligned to the bottom of the line then choose //Bottom//.
544 **NOTE**: You can't set both the horizontal and the vertical alignment for an image. If you align an image horizontally then it's not part of a line anymore (i.e. multiple lines of text can flow on its left or right side) and thus setting the position of that image inside //a line// has no sense.
546 Click on the "Insert image" button when you're done. Note that you don't have to set all the image properties now: you can edit the image later.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 548 [[image:imagestep4.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 549 You should see the image in the editing area. To select it simply click on it. Notice the resize handlers that appear around the image when it is selected. You can resize the image inside the editing area by dragging them. If you open the "Image" menu when an image is selected you can see the "Edit image" menu entry.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 552 [[image:imagestep5.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 553
Sorin Burjan 17.1 554 [[image:imagestep6.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 555 To delete an image you can select it and press the **Delete** key or choose "Remove image" from the "Image" menu.
557 === Creating and Editing Tables ===
559 To create an empty table place the caret where you would like the new table to be inserted and choose "Insert table" from the "Table" menu. Currently you cannot insert a table inside another table so, before opening the "Table" menu, make sure you don't have the caret inside a table cell.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 562 [[image:tablestep1.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 563 In the opened dialog you can specify the number of rows and columns the new table should have and if you want a table header or not. You can leave the default number of rows and columns if you don't know how many you'll need because you can add rows and columns later. You can't add a table header later though so you must decide now if you need one or not. When you're done, click the "Insert" button.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 566 [[image:tablestep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 567 You should see now the table in your editing area. Fill in the table cells. You can navigate from cell to cell using the **arrow keys**. See [[Writing>>#HWriting]] to find out how you can use the **Tab** key to navigate through table cells. See also [[Keyboard Shortcuts>>#HKeyboardShortcuts]] if you can't move the caret before or after the table.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 570 [[image:tablestep3.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 571 If you need a new column you can insert one before or after an existing column. Just place the caret in one of the cells from the reference column and choose the appropriate option from the "Table" menu. In our example we choose to insert a new column after the "Index" column (i.e. the "Index" column was the reference column in our case). You can also delete columns in the same manner: place the caret in one of the cells from the column to be deleted and choose "Delete column" from the "Table" menu.
574 Notice how in the previous image the "Insert row before" option is disabled. This happened because we placed the caret in the table header and table rows are not allowed before the table header.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 576 [[image:tablestep5.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 577 Inserting a new row is much like inserting a new column. First you choose a reference row by placing the caret in one of its cells and then you choose the appropriate option from the "Table" menu. In our example we opted for inserting a new row before the the first one (i.e. the first row was the reference row in our case). For this we picked "Insert row before" from the "Table" menu. You can delete table rows in the same manner: place the caret in one of the cells from the row to be deleted and choose "Delete row" from the "Table" menu.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 580 [[image:tablestep6.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 581 As you can see the new table row is empty and ready to be filled.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 584 [[image:tablestep7.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 585 To delete a table place the caret in any of its cells and choose "Delete table" from the "Table" menu.
587 === Inserting and Editing Macros ===
589 A macro is a piece of code that you can reuse in your pages. Macros are written by developers to do common things like displaying an information box, a table of contents or the avatar for a specific user. You don't need programming skills to use macros. Let's follow the steps to insert a table of contents to see how easy it is to work with macros.
591 Start by writing a few sections in the editing area then create an empty line where you want the table of contents to be inserted. In our example, we pressed Enter after "Space" in order to create the empty line. You can insert the table of contents in other places if you want. Leave the caret on the empty line and choose "Insert Macro..." from the "Macro" menu.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 594 [[image:macroinsertstep1.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 595 You should see a dialog with all the available macros. Each macro has a short description that will give you a hint about what the macro does. Look for the ToC macro. You can browse the list of macros using the keyboard: Up/Down selects the previous/next item in the list, Home/End selects the first/last item in the list. Click "Select" once you have the ToC macro highlighted.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 598 [[image:macroinsertstep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 599 Parameters control the behavior and the output of a macro. Some parameters are mandatory. You can distinguish them from the rest by their color: green. The ToC macro has only optional parameters. One special macro parameter is the macro content. The ToC macro doesn't require any content but other macros like Info use the content as the main source for their output. You can say that the ToC macro uses the entire page as its content, so you don't have to specify the content.
601 Change the ToC parameters if you wish but note that you can come back to this step later by editing the inserted ToC macro. We kept the default values in our example. Click "Apply" when you're done.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 604 [[image:macroinsertstep3.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 605 At this point you should see the ToC macro inserted in your document.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 608 [[image:macroinsertstep4.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 609 Next, we add more sections to the document and choose "Refresh" from the "Macro" menu in order to update the table of contents.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 612 [[image:macroinsertstep5.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 613 The table of contents should be updated now.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 616 [[image:macroinsertstep6.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 617 If you think the table of contents takes a lot of space you can collapse it. In fact you can collapse any macro. First select the macro by clicking on it and then click again to toggle between collapsed and expanded states. You can also use the "Macro" menu to collapse or expand all the inserted macros. Collapsed macros display only their name and an icon.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 619 [[image:macroinsertstep7.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 620
621 === Importing Office Content ===
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 623 The editor allows you to import content from office applications like **OpenOffice Writer** or **Microsoft Word**. If you want to insert just a fragment from an office document you can copy it from the office application you use and then click the [[image:importer.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button from the editor toolbar.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 624
Sorin Burjan 17.1 625 [[image:officeimporterstep1.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 626 **Paste** what you've copied from the office application in the text area that you can see on the opened dialog. Notice the "//Filter styles//" check box in bottom left corner of the dialog. If you want the pasted text to look as much as possible as in your office application then leave the check box unchecked. Otherwise, if you care only about the content and not the text styles then check "Filter styles". This will result in a much cleaner document but the result may look different than in your office application. Click the "Import" button in the end.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 628 [[image:officeimporterstep2.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 629 You should see the office content in the editing area. It was inserted at the caret position or in place of the selected text. You can edit the imported content if you want.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 632 [[image:officeimporterstep3.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 633 In case you need to **import** an office document and not just a fragment you can use the "//File//" tab on the Office Importer dialog. **NOTE**: this feature requires special setup in order to work. Ask your system administrator to enable it.
Sorin Burjan 17.1 636 [[image:officeimporterstep4.png||style="border: 1px solid black;"]]
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 637 See also the [[Office Importer Application>>]].
639 === Undo and Redo ===
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 641 The **undo** function is very useful in a situation where you've made a mistake and you want to correct it fast. By clicking the [[image:undo.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] button on the toolbar or by using the **Ctrl+Z** shortcut key combination you can restore the state of the editing area before your last action. The editor manages to do this by keeping a history of the actions you take on the rich text area. Examples of actions that generate history entries are: typing a word, creating a new paragraph, applying a style, deleting a piece of text. The undo function allows you go back in this history. You may of course go many steps back, not just one step, and continue editing from that point.
Marius Dumitru Florea 1.1 642
Guillaume Lerouge 6.1 643 The **redo** function is the opposite of the undo function. If you used the undo function and then for any reason decided to go back to the state before the undo you must use the redo function. To activate it press [[image:redo.gif||style="vertical-align: middle;"]] on the toolbar or use the **Ctrl+Y** shortcut key combination. As you can see, the undo and redo functions allow you to go back and forth in the history of the editing area.

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