Version 2.1 by Oana Florea on 2011/08/29 11:13

Developed byUnknown
0 Votes


Use case

  • the user will attach a ZIP archive to the import page (size: max 30MB)
  • the application will read the archive content and will list the available files for import only from the following folders: <dokuwiki dir>/data/pages/ and optionally <dokuwiki dir>/data/media/
  • the user will select if he wants to import the content as an existing version or as a new wiki page 
  • next he will select the files he wants to import from the available list and he will confirm the import action
  • a list of all files and their status is displayed at the end (with a message if they were imported or not)


  • some folders are ignored: <dokuwiki dir>/data/pages/playground/ and <dokuwiki dir>/data/pages/wiki/
  • the script will read the archive files and save them temporary on the server in <server path>/output<datetime>/
    next it will run the Dokuwiki to XWiki extension on the server on the selected files to generate the xwiki files
  • pages will be created by the extension for the xwiki txt files
  • space homepages  will be created to map the dokuwiki hierarchy folders and parents are set for the imported files
  • display the text from page bienvenue.txt (if available) as homepage of the spaces created above (use the include macro)
  • the images from the media folder are optionally imported as attachments for wiki pages
  • the files on the server are cleaned up: <server path>/output<datetime>/

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