Last modified by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2023/02/01 10:01

  • nmayer
    nmayer, 2009/01/22 02:14

    IMHO, it would be a significant improvement if the OpenOffice server could run as a different user than the one which runs the web-container, such as 'tomcat' on fedora 10. The entire reason you want to run tomcat as a lower-privilege user is specifically to give it a "container" to run in, in which it has less chance of accidentally overwriting some other part of the system configuration, such as the port-80 webserver's configuration. By the "principle of least privilege" we want Java/Web-Container stuff running as a low-priv user (100<UID<499) that can only bind nonprivileged ports over 1000. That's why tomcat runs on port 8080 or 8000 and you use Apache httpd and mod_jk etc to provide a "secure" front for Java that sysadmins have approved for use on privileged ports like port 80.

    Also, by the principle of least priviledge and reduction of overlapping concerns, low privilege users such as 'tomcat' should only be able to write to a very specific part of the filesystem. Likewise a different user, e.g. 'ooserv' in the example above, should be the only user able to write in /home/ooserv and be the user running the OpenOffice server. If someone "hacks" via the OpenOffice server importer, at best they'll be able to get it to write some data into /home/ooserv, but it will not be able to change which web-apps are deployed on your server. The latter could potentially happen, in theory, because the OpenOffice server is running as same user as the Java web conainer.

    There's no reason for this either. The openoffice server should be able to accept connections from any other process on the system given that it is listening on localhost, per the "socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" setting.

    • Christoph Larsen
      Christoph Larsen, 2017/06/28 12:08

      Dear Niels,
      I am running XWiki inside a FreeBSD jail, and LibreOffice in another. The XWiki instance is served via Jetty (version 9) with user jetty, while LibreOffice is deployed via the user (you guessed it!) libreoffice.
      The challenge of telling XWiki that Libreoffice is actually running in a different server with different IP has been solved with a bit of NATting (FreeBSD's pf to the rescue).
      So, what you wish to achieve is probably already there, though it would be nice, if we could enter the LibreOffice server details inside
      One word of caution: Due to (I presume) some UTF-8 issues, the entire XWiki/LibreOffice stack does not work yet in
      FreeBSD 10.3. I will have to see what happens with FreeBSD 11, but in the meantime, it does work with Linux!
      Let me know, if you get stuck.

  • Asiri Rathnayake
    Asiri Rathnayake, 2009/01/22 08:14

    On fedora 10 i used *yum groupinstall 'Office/Productivity'* to get OO installed (it didn't require any additional server arguments either). A complete OO server installation is a MUST: You can either use yum or manually download OO and install it.

  • Asiri Rathnayake
    Asiri Rathnayake, 2009/01/22 08:39

    As for running OO server as a different user; this is actually a shortcoming in JODConverter. If you refer to it mentions: *Note that after installing on a new machine you also need to start once and accept the license agreement, otherwise JODConverter will not work correctly. This needs to be done by the same user that will launch JODConverter.*

  • Martijn
    Martijn, 2009/06/02 08:58

    Heya Folks,

    I've successfully set up the connection to an externally configured OpenOffice server from XWiki 1.8.4 as follows:

    1) Installed OpenOffice 3.1
    2) Ran the script to deactivate the registration wizard from
    3) Put the script from in /etc/init.d
    4) Set the OpenOffice server to automatically start
    5) Set openoffice.serverType to 1 in xwiki/WEB-INF/
    6) Restarted my XWiki farm and connected it to the OpenOffice server



  • gbot
    gbot, 2010/03/09 09:24

    hi guys

    so I've edited my file and yet if I go to OO Server admin under wiki administration it is still set up with default values. What gives?

    Also, when trying to start the server from the OO Server admin page I get an Inadequate priveleges error, even when using SuperAdmin user...

    Any help is greatly appreciated


  • gbot
    gbot, 2010/03/09 09:25

    oh, yeah:
    Running enterprise 2.2.1
    OS: Ubuntu 9.04
    OpenOffice 2.4

  • MattG
    MattG, 2010/04/01 04:14

    You should be running OpenOffice 3, as stated at the top of the page.  Version 3 installs from the repositories if you do an apt-get in Ubuntu 9

    On my Ubuntu 9 setup I was also getting the inadequate privileges error.  It should be noted that the "default values" won't change until after you restart the servlet container. Although I am still not able to solve the "inadequate privileges" error, it is no longer important to me.  Because, the autostart of the openoffice worked fine once I got the path set correctly in "".  If you install openoffice using apt-get the correct path setting will be "/usr/lib/openoffice" the code automatically adds "/program" to the end of the path setting that you put in "".

  • Thomas Steinbach
    Thomas Steinbach, 2010/08/27 20:06

    No chance using the officeimporterapplication under debian...
    - Installed oo-3.2 from
    - installed oo-plugin from
    - setup the script from
    - setup
    - restarted the machine
    - saved the application-page in xwiki as admin
    ... and everytime like many other configurations before. the app told me something about Inadequate privileges

    what a pity

  • yhjhoo
    yhjhoo, 2010/12/30 07:50

    Hi , how to create "profilePath" manully? 

    Is there any document?

  • yhjhoo
    yhjhoo, 2010/12/30 08:32

    After I?installed correctly, i can not see the action link to upload my document

  • Intertesto
    Intertesto, 2011/08/15 16:37

    In order to make it works on Centos5.x you need to install TWO packages "yum install"
    If you get this errors:
    - could not load document: export_input.html
    - Caused by: URL seems to be an unsupported one.
    This happen because you need to install package

  • Giovanni Júnior
    Giovanni Júnior, 2012/07/25 22:00

    As of today, LibreOffice 3.4 and older releases are not available for download anymore. As the Office Importer is not yet compatible with LibreOffice 3.5, the only way to have the extension working is by installing *Apache* Open Office 3.4 on the same server of you XWiki installation. This is true at least for XWiki 3.5, but I bet XWiki 4.1 also has the same shortcoming.

    • Vincent Massol
      Vincent Massol, 2012/07/26 07:13

      You should raise a JIRA issue to get XWiki working with LO 3.5.

    • Sergiu Dumitriu
      Sergiu Dumitriu, 2012/07/26 09:58

      It is working great for me, are you sure you configured it correctly? I tested it on Linux, MacOS and Windows (also with Portable LibreOffice).

      Actually I remember now that I had this issue on Windows:, you could try to build a patched version of JODConverter from

      • Giovanni Júnior
        Giovanni Júnior, 2012/07/26 16:43

        It worked fine with OpenOffice 2.2 and Apache OpenOffice 3.4, so I assume the configuration is correct (the docs don't say anything special about LibreOffice). 

        I could not test against LO 3.4 (the recommended version), as it can't be downloaded anymore. I can't test the patched JODConverter now, but will try it later.

        I filed a bug on Thank you.

        • lvyiyuan
          lvyiyuan, 2012/08/20 08:50

          hello  Giovanni Júnior,i download Apache OpenOffice.org_3.4_SDK and installed in C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org_3.4_SDK\sdk, and set xwiki.propeties and restart the tomcat.but server path always show $ooconfig.homePath. i read the document above,

          "Due to XWiki bug 7164, XWiki ignores the home path settings for the office server in As workaround add on Windows in the file start_xwiki.bat the line
          set XWIKI_OPTS=%XWIKI_OPTS% -Doffice.home="C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 3.4"
          set XWIKI_OPTS=%XWIKI_OPTS% -Doffice.home="C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 3.4"
          on Linux add in the file the line
          set XWIKI_OPTS=%XWIKI_OPTS% -Doffice.path=/usr/lib/libreoffice/
          and restart the XWiki server" 

          my system is windows xp, i set set XWIKI_OPTS=%XWIKI_OPTS% -Doffice.home="C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org_3.4_SDK"
          and double click the start_xwiki.bat and restart the tomcat ,nothing changed in the sever path,it always shows "$ooconfig.homePath" ,help me .thanks .

          • Sergiu Dumitriu
            Sergiu Dumitriu, 2012/08/21 03:33

            Try using forward / instead of back \, for example openoffice.homePath=C:/Program Files/OpenOffice.org_3.4_SDK, and don't forget to set the autostart property as well: openoffice.autoStart=true

  • Vince
    Vince, 2013/01/23 11:42

    For Debian:
    apt-get install
    edit /usr/lib/xwiki/WEB-INF/
    Restart Tomcat (/etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart)
    Start the Open-Office Server on xwiki administration

  • Maik De
    Maik De, 2014/10/10 13:04

    Is it possible to upload pictures included in documents via Office Importer?
    Not working with OpenOffice 4...

  • Alex
    Alex, 2015/11/12 17:46


    I cannot import porperly a PDF document into a wiki page. It is imported as a plain text, it seems that the openoffice server fails to convert it into HTML format. I have tested with last version of AOO (4.1.2) and also with a old one, 3.4.
    Besides, I have instaled a plug-in into AOO to make it able to import PDF. Despite now I can open and edit a PDF from AOO, the Oficce Importer crash.
    With MS Word or Excel works fine.
    Somebody can import PDF files? 

  • Alex
    Alex, 2015/11/19 09:28

    Xwiki fails to start LibreOffice server in Windows (I'm using XW 7.3 and LO 4.4.5 portable). I found two solutions:
    - To create a file called basis-link in libreoffice folder
    - To use a pached version of JODConverter library (
    I think is a good idea to include this library in next version of Xwiki
    Follow the next link for more information

  • Yuriy Safronov
    Yuriy Safronov, 2019/02/19 10:32

    On Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64, XWiki 9.6, Open Office 4.1.3 x86:
    System OO path: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4
    System OO profile path: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice\4
    openoffice.homePath=C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenOffice 4/

    Office Importer Application works OK.

  • Vasily Markelov
    Vasily Markelov, 2020/04/23 15:18

    The type "Page from Office" when creating a new document appears only there is an interface language - English. There are no other languages of this type.
    XWiki 11.10.4
    Tomcat 8
    Debian 9
    Libreoffice 1:5.2.7

  • Whit Blauvelt
    Whit Blauvelt, 2021/08/04 20:18

    Has anyone worked out an installation and configuration process on a current Ubuntu or Debian server that does not involve installing as apt dependencies a whole graphical desktop, which of course there's no reason to run on a Linux server? Simply asking to install LibreOffice will install 246 packages, which should be way beyond what can really be needed for the purpose here.

  • Sebastiaan Veld
    Sebastiaan Veld, 2022/02/09 08:32

    From a security and quality perspective it would be and welcome enhancement to leverage COOL/CODE (Libre/Collabora Office Online) for document conversions, as described at, instead of a locally installed LibreOffice/OpenOffice.
    It's quite easy to setup and maintain COOL/CODE as a Docker container

  • Roman Oli
    Roman Oli, 2022/03/10 10:17

    CSV import is not good. It  display columns unformatted and shifted

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