Last modified by Djebloun Sidali on 2021/03/17 21:55

  • withwind303
    withwind303, 2014/06/04 07:59

    how should i do to attach the attached vm files( attachmentslist.vm and pdfviewer.vm) to my skin?
    Supposing my skin is defalut skin  "colibri"  , i  add these two vm files  to  direction “webapps\xwiki\skins\colibri”, then start XE, i click "view this attachment",then popup "Cannot make recursive include" ,please help.
    I have import   the XWiki.pdfViewer.xar before.

    • Djebloun Sidali
      Djebloun Sidali, 2014/09/01 10:13

      Hi withwind303,

      What you did seems to be right, I retried the same test, it works well.

      You can ask the question on the mailing list xwiki users, try to put more details to help me to reproduce the case please.  

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