Changes for page Presentation Application

Last modified by Admin on 2022/08/01 00:14

From version 58.2
edited by slauriere
on 2019/08/12 17:25
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 59.1
edited by slauriere
on 2019/08/12 17:27
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



... ... @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 -Allows to generate a slideshow directly from a wiki page, using [[Bootstrap Carousel>>]] for displaying the slides. Handy for writing presentations quickly and for creating advanced designs using the power of cascading stylesheets.
1 +Allows to generate a slideshow directly from a wiki page, using [[Bootstrap Carousel>>]] for displaying the slides. Handy for writing presentations quickly and for taking advantage of the power of cascading stylesheets for designing advanced layouts that will help you carry your message across.
2 2  
3 3  {{warning}}
4 4  The structure of the application changed between versions 1.4 and 2.0. In particular, ##PresentationClass## was moved to space ##Presentation.Code##. This requires manual recreation of existing ##PresentationClass## objects, if any. In case there are many presentations you'd like to migrate, feel free to request a snippet or a more advanced migrator on [[the XWiki forum>>]].

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