Version 2.1 by Thomas Mortagne on 2011/10/27 18:02

cogProvides various APIs related to script macros in XWiki
Developed byUnknown
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The Script Module offers the following:

  • Defines ScriptEvaluatedEvent and ScriptEvaluatingEvent events (see Observation Module) for being called before a script macro executes or just after it's been executed. The ScriptEvaluatedEvent  event even allow to cancel the execution of the script macro.
  • Provides a ScriptService component role allowing to expose APIs to script macros (see below)

Script Services

To expose an API to a script macro you simply need to implement the org.xwiki.script.service.ScriptService component role (see Component Module to know more about components). 

For example:

public class MyScriptService implements ScriptService
   // Declare all java methods you wish to expose here. For example:
   public void doSomething(String whatever)

Of course, make sure to register your component in components.txt and to deploy your component JAR in WEB-INF/lib.

Then to use this in a Velocity script macro for example you'll write:

$"something here")

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