Send Page By Email Application

Version 35.1 by Thomas Mortagne on 2011/10/28 09:19

email_linkA panel that gives an user the ability to send the current wiki page through email
Developed by

Guillaume Lerouge

1 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1


Since 2.6, this functionality is provided as a platform feature as the Share by email menu entry.

This application uses the MailSender plugin's send HTML page method and the Show / hide DIV code snippet.

In order to work properly, it requires the following conditions to be met :

  • The MailSender plugin must be up & running on your wiki instance
  • You must have a SMTP server properly configured
  • The panel has to be saved by a user with programming rights.

It offers the ability to send any wiki page by email. The recipient's email can be typed in the recipient field. Clicking on the "more" button displays 3 additional fields : CC, BCC and COMMENT & 2 checkboxes : Include page comments and attachments. 

  • CC & BCC work as usual carbon copy & blank carbon copy fields. 
  • The comment field let an user add additional information that will be displayed on the top of the sent email along with the sender's name & the page's last modification date.
  • Ticking the "Include page comments" sends the page comments along with the page itself
  • Ticking the "Include page attachments" sends the page attachments along with the page

The email sent is the HTML version of the rendered content of the page the user is viewing. In case its email client does not support HTML emailing, the alt field is fed with the page's original wiki markup content. A page can be sent to several recipients provided their email addresses are comma-separated ([email protected],[email protected],...).


The panel in its default state.


The full panel displaying more options when opened.


The panel when the email has been sent properly.


The panel when the email has not been sent.


The resulting HTML email.


The resulting HTML email when an image is attached to the page.


Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

As this is a panel stored in a XAR, it can be easily installed using XWiki's Import feature.

Have you set up an Outgoing SMTP Server? Check it at Administration > Preferences > Registration > Outgoing SMTP Server. This setting requires to restart XWiki.

  1. Click on the Administration link at the top right of your wiki.
  2. Click on the "Import" tab.
  3. Upload the file.
  4. Click on the file name.
  5. Click on "Import".
  6. Go to the http:///xwiki/bin/view/Panels/SendPageByEmail page.
  7. Edit & Save the page with an user who has programming rights (XWiki's default Admin has them).
  8. Go to your wiki's Panel Wizard at http:///xwiki/bin/view/Panels/PanelWizard.
  9. Drag & drop the Send Page By Email panel where you want it to be displayed.
  10. Save the new layout.
  11. You're done !

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