XWiki Standard Flavor
The XWiki Standard Flavor is the default flavor maintained by the XWiki Dev Team for the XWiki distribution starting with 9.5.
It started as a transformation of XWiki Enterprise distribution into an easier to maintain more generic flavor not tied to a specific use case.
Provided packages
Two flavors
There are technically two flavors right now: one for the main wiki and another for the sub-wikis.
They are almost identical except for a few things that only makes sense in the main wiki like wikis management.
Offline package
We provide a XIP package to help install the flavor when you don't have internet access.
Test package
Mainly targeting testers, a pre installed Jetty and HSQLDB based package is also provided. It's not made available on XWiki Download page but you can find it on http://maven.xwiki.org/snapshots/org/xwiki/platform/xwiki-platform-distribution-jetty-hsqldb/ or http://maven.xwiki.org/releases/org/xwiki/platform/xwiki-platform-distribution-jetty-hsqldb/ depending on which version you want to test.