Totem Application

Last modified by Admin on 2024/07/08 00:06

cogAllow creation of blocks with different representations from totems elements, each totem element contain
Developed by

Anca Luca, Sidali Djebloun, Yacine Kebir, Mohamed Boussaa

Active Installs5
4 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

Installable with the Extension Manager


Application that allows to create totems.

A Totem is a content composed of several sections and each section contains multiple items.
A section can be displayed with different ways according to the concept of displayers (For example : Carousel, Article, image, video, simple text ...etc).
In a section several parameters can be configured such as : section width, section order, background-color, background-image ... etc.
items are the content source of sections, an item contains a title, a description, a date, an url and an image.
The content of an item is displayed following the section Display type.

A totem is basically a website front page, the Totem Sections are the sections of that page and the items are the pieces of data which are displayed in the sections.

Use it!

Totem application main page

To create a new totem or te see created totems go to the totem application main page (Totem.WebHome).


Create a new totem

To create a new totem just enter the totem title in the 'Create a new totem' text input in the totem application main page and click create.


After clicking on the 'create' button you will be redirected to the edit page of the new totem.

From this page you can manage all the totem content.


Add a section to the totem

  • In the bottom of the edit totem page click on the « Add a section to the totem » button.
  • A popup window will be displayed with the section creation form.
  • Select the Display Type of the new section, enter the section title and the other information of the form.
  • Click on « Save » button.
  • The new section will be added to the bottom of the page (Last section).


Edit the content of a totem section

  • You can modify the configuration of a section by clicking on the « Edit this section » button in the bottom of each section.
    The same form as the section creation will be displayed in order to modify the section configuration.


  • As explained above the a section is composed of multiple elements (items), you can manage the section items by clicking on the « Edit elements of this section » button.
  • A popup window will be displayed showing all the section attached items.


  • Via this interface you can manage all the content of a section, such as :
    • Attach existing items to the section.
    • Create new items and attach them to the section.
    • Edit the content of the items attached to a section.
    • Change the display order of the items in the section
    • Remove an item from the section items.
Attach existing items to a section
  • You can search for exiting items using the autosuggest input.
  • Select items.
  • Click on the « save » button.
  • The item will be added to the list of the section items.


Create a new item and attach it to the section
  • Click on the « Add new entry » button in the bottom of the section items list.
  • A popup window will be displayed containing a form to enter the item title.
  • Enter the item title and click on the « Create this document » button.


  • The new item form will be displayed, via this form you can :
    • Edit the item title, url and date information.
    • Edit the item description using the wysiwyg editor.
    • Add an image to the item


  • To add a new image to the item click on the  « Change image button », a pop window will be displayed with the form the upload the image
  • After uploading an image click on the « Select » icon to select the image.


    Edit the content of a section item
    • In the « Edit section elements » interface, click on the edit icon to the right of each item
    • The edit item form will be displayed, the same as when creating a new item.
    • Edit the content and click on the « Save » button.
    Remove an item from a section
    • In the « Edit section elements » interface, click on the remove icon to the right of each item
    • Click on the « Save » button.


    Delete a totem section

    • At the bottom of each section there is a button « Delete section », click the button to remove the section.

    Move a section

    • To move a section, double click inside the section and move vertically up or down to the position you want, then release the section (drag and drop).
    • Click on the « Save order » button, in the top of the totem.

Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

We recommend using the Extension Manager to install this extension (Make sure that the text "Installable with the Extension Manager" is displayed at the top right location on this page to know if this extension can be installed with the Extension Manager). Note that installing Extensions when being offline is currently not supported and you'd need to use some complex manual method.

You can also use the following manual method, which is useful if this extension cannot be installed with the Extension Manager or if you're using an old version of XWiki that doesn't have the Extension Manager:

  1. Log in the wiki with a user having Administration rights
  2. Go to the Administration page and select the Import category
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the downloaded XAR
  4. Click on the uploaded XAR and follow the instructions
  5. You'll also need to install all dependent Extensions that are not already installed in your wiki

Release Notes







XAR preview of the application


Initial version


Dependencies for this extension (org.xwiki.contrib:xwiki-totem-application 1.4.1):

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