Bibsonomy Macro

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/07/05 17:47

cogIntegrates XWiki and bibsonomy
TypeDoc (Velocity Macro)
Developed by


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LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

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It allows you to display publications on an XWiki page based on their tag in bibsonomy, and also to discuss individual entries.

This script is currently broken. There is a simple workaround, and a simple way to fix it, but I can't do it right now. Any help will be welcome, please contact me: yishaym at gmail dot com

this script pulls data from using RSS and parses the feed:

#set($feed = $xwiki.feed.getFeeds("${tag}?items=1000"))
#foreach ($entry in $feed.entries)
  #set($val = $entry.getDescription().value)
  ## get title
  #set($index = $val.indexOf("bmtitle") +10)
  #set($val = $val.substring($index))
  #set($index = $val.indexOf("</div>"))
  #set($headline = $val.substring(0, $index))
  #set($index = $index +6)
  #set($val = $val.substring($index))

As was bound to happen at some point, the format of the feed content has changed, and the code is now broken. As a quick fix, I replaced it with:

#set($feed = $xwiki.feed.getFeeds("${tag}?items=1000"))
#foreach ($entry in $feed.entries)

I don't know if the change in the feed format is on the provider's side (i.e. bibsonomy) or on XWiki's side. In any case, I should use bibsonomy's API instead:

Anyone interested in helping?

You can see a demo here: and the code here:

Its a very crude piece of code, I needed something for a project ASAP, and didn't have the time to do a decent job. But it works, and its a good proof of concept. If anyone is up to writing a cleaner, more efficient version - please do, and share.

This gizmo is pure velocity. To use it, copy the code below into a page on your site, say "script.Bibsonomy" and then, on any other page, you can use it by:


Copy this code

## This is a dirty, ugly hack. it does the job, but its probably very inefficient and unstable. ##
## The following is a set of scripts which allow you to display a list of publications from     ##
## bibsonomy. This list is retrieved from the RSS feed of a tag. There's no option to limit the ##
## list to a specific user, etc. The easiest way to use this is to add the following two lines  ##
## to your page:                                                                                ##
##    #includeInContext("scripts.Bibsonomy")                                                    ##
##    #publications_pp("MyTag")                                               ##
## to make this code decent, we should use the bibsnomy API, retrieve the list in XML and       ##
## process that, probably in groovy.                                                            ##
## This code is provided as is, with no warranties, guaranties, or liabilities.                 ##
## It is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.            ##
##                                         ##
## Yishay Mor, [email protected]                                                                ##

#set ($basename = $doc.getFullName()+".")
#set ($createUrl = "?create=")

#### create a new discussion page for bibsonomy entry
#macro(createPage $item $pagename)
#set ($newdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($pagename))
#set ($content = '<div style="border: 3px coral solid;">'+$item.getDescription().value+'</div>')
## this should work, but needs programming rights:
## $context.setDoc($newdoc)
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "$newdoc.getExternalURL()"

#end ### createPage

#### display a bibsonomy tag feed
#macro(bibsonomyfeed $feed $label $raw)
#if ($label)
<h3> $label </h3>
#foreach ($entry in $feed.entries)
<br />
#set($val = $entry.getDescription().value)
  ## get title
  #set($index = $val.indexOf("bmtitle") +10)
  #set($val = $val.substring($index))
  #set($index = $val.indexOf("</div>"))
  #set($headline = $val.substring(0, $index))
  #set($index = $index +6)
  #set($val = $val.substring($index))

  <h4> $headline </h4>
  ## xtract bibsonomy key
  #set ($index = $headline.indexOf("/bibtex/") + 8)
  #if ($index <0) #set($index = 0) <!-- /bibtex/ --> #end
  #set ($bibkey = $headline.substring($index))
  #set ($index  = $bibkey.indexOf("/"))
  #if ($index <0) #set($index = 0) <!-- / --> #end
  #set ($bibkey = $bibkey.substring(0, $index))
  ## generate link to discussion doc
  #set($itempagename = $basename+$bibkey)
  #if ($request.create == $bibkey)
     #createPage($entry $itempagename)

  ## page exists?
  #if ($xwiki.exists($itempagename))
     #set ($comcount = 0)
     #set ($bibdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($itempagename))
     #set ($comcount = $bibdoc.getComments().size())
     <a href="$bibdoc.getURL()">$comcount comments</a>
     <a href="$createUrl$bibkey">Discuss (new)</a>
  #if ($request.showabstracts.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
     ## do nothing
     ## cut after the reference
     #set ($index = $val.indexOf("</div>") +6)
     #if ($index <0) #set($index = 0) <!-- /div --> #end
     #set ($val = $val.substring(0,$index))

#end ## raw
#end #### macro(bibsonomy $tag)

############## bibsonomy publications feed
#macro(publications $tag)
#if ($request.filter && $request.filter.length() > 0)
#set ($tag = $tag+'+'+$request.filter)
#set($feed = $xwiki.feed.getFeeds("${tag}?items=1000"))
#set($title = '<a href="'+$tag+'">'+$tag+'</a> publications' )
#bibsonomyfeed( $feed $title false)
############## /bibsonomy publications feed

############## bibsonomy publications feed with controls
#macro(publications_pp $tag)
<form action="" id="publications" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" #if ($request.showabstracts) checked #end name="showabstracts" value="true" />&nbsp;Show abstracts&nbsp;
<input type="text" size="20" name="filter" value="$!request.filter" />
<input type="submit" name="filter" value="Filter" />

############## /bibsonomy publications feed with controls
#macro(publicationspp $tag)

############## bibsonomy links feed
#macro(links $tag)
#set($feed = $xwiki.feed.getFeeds("${tag}?items=1000"))
#set($title = '<a href=""'+$tag+'">'+$tag+'</a> links' )
#bibsonomyfeed( $feed $title true)
############## /bibsonomy publications feed

############## bibsonomy all NOT WORKING
#macro(bibsonomyall $tag)
<div style="float:left;width:40%;padding:5px;border:1px solid black;">
#publications( $tag)
<div style="float:left;width:40%;padding:5px;border:1px solid black;">
#links( $tag)

############## /bibsonomy all


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