
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/07/05 17:52

cogA self-service collaborative workgroups infrastructure
Developed by

Avane, xwiki:XWiki.XWikiSAS

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1



This project has been retired since it was no longer maintained actively.

Chronopolys is a self-service collaborative workgroups infrastructure. Workgroups allow people to collaborate, to share files and keep them informed and on task.

Some things you can do with Chronopolys:

  • Create a workgroup with two clicks
  • Create accounts for your colleagues, partners, customers
  • Invite them to your workgroups
  • Collaborate!




Workgroups overview
The dashboard allow you to view and organize your workgroups portofolio. 2 visualization modes:
timeline view (to see all the workgroups plannings), quality view (various indicators like number of members, number of documents, etc)


Project Log (Plog)
A unified messages / tasks / meetings management tool                


Project planning
Dates and durations of the phases and milestones of the project


Project Wiki
Use the wiki to collaboratively write documentation, reports, etc


Project Document manager
A light document management system


Project members management
Members can see, edit and add elements to a project


Project guests management
Guest can see your project


Personal deadlines
Track all the upcoming events you're involved in (milestones, meeetings, tasks ..)


Last modifications
Track all the last modifications in all the projects you're involved in


Windowsxwiki-product-chronopolys-installer-windows-1.0.exeGraphical Windows native installer. Standalone installation including a Jetty container and an HSQLDB database all set up. Should be used by first-time users.
Allxwiki-product-chronopolys-installer-generic-1.0.jarGraphical Installer that works on all platforms but requires Java to execute. Should be used by first-time users on non-Windows systems
Allxwiki-product-chronopolys-hsqldb-1.0.zipStandalone installation including a Jetty container and an HSQLDB database all set up, packaged as a ZIP file. Should be used by first-time users who do not need/want to use one of the installers


Use your favorite brower to go to: http://localhost:8080/xwiki/

Default credentials :

  • Login: Admin
  • Password: admin

User Guide

There's the start of a User Guide in French available.

Prerequisites & Installation Instructions


  • You can edit the default Chronopolys translations by going to http://yourserver:port/xwiki/bin/edit/ChronoCode/Translations, making modifications and saving this page.
  • For example you can copy the content of the English translations  (Domain/Subdomain/Activity/Project instead of Theme/Lot/Activity/Group)

Using another database

Chronopolys is bundled with a preconfigured database: HSQLDB. If you wish to use your favorite RDBMS you can edit the Hibernate configuration:

  • Edit webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml
  • Comment the hsql section and uncomment the section corresponding to your choice
  • Edit the url and the credentials
  • Start Chronopolys
  • Log in as Admin
  • Go to http://yourserver:port/xwiki/bin/import/XWiki/Import?editor=import
  • Download the XAR corresponding to your release.
  • Import it.

Release Notes


The Chronopolys development team is pleased to announce the release of Chronopolys 1.0

This release is based on XWiki 1.2.2 (platform/web) and includes both bug fixes and improvements, among which you can find:

  • New color picker
  • New task completion slider
  • Graphical installers

Chronopolys is a self-service working groups infrastructure. A working group contains the following features : a blog in which you can post articles/tasks/meetings, a simple planning manager, a document manager and a wiki.

Have fun! The Chronopolys development team


The Chronopolys development team is pleased to announce the release of Chronopolys 1.0 RC 2.

This release is based on XWiki 1.2.2 (platform/web) and includes both bug fixes and small improvements, among which you can find:

  • Standalone light SMTP bundled with chronopolys, no more configuration required to send emails
  • Ajaxified task progress bar
  • Inline color picker instead of the popup version
  • CSS bugfixes

Chronopolys is a self-service project workspaces infrastructure. A project workspace contains the following features : a blog in which you can post articles/tasks/meetings, a simple planning manager, a document manager and a wiki.

Have fun! The Chronopolys development team


The Chronopolys development team is pleased to announce the release of Chronopolys 1.0 RC 1.

Chronopolys is a self-service project workspaces infrastructure. A project workspace contains the following features : a blog in which you can post articles/tasks/meetings, a simple planning manager, a document manager and a wiki.

Have fun! The Chronopolys development team

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