GitHub Statistics Application

Last modified by Admin on 2024/07/05 18:09

cogProvides Committer Statistics for repositories defined on GitHub
Developed by

Vincent Massol

Active Installs0
0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

Installable with the Extension Manager


Provides the following features:

  • Ability to import Repository definitions from GitHub into your wiki (for fast statistics thereafter)
  • Ability to import Committer definitions from GitHub into your wiki (for fast statistics thereafter and to allow committer aliases to be defined)
  • Ability to import Contributors from GitHub into your wiki
  • Reconcile automatically different identities to aggregate statistics
  • {{committers}} macro to list all Committers who've done commits for a given GitHub organization and for a specified amount of days in the past
  • {{firstCommits}} macro to list first commit dates for all Committers

Importing Repositories


Importing Authors

Allow importing and managing Contributors and Committers. Specifically you can:

  • Import authors from Git: Look into the full Git history to find all committers and import then into the wiki
  • Update author data from GitHub: For each imported author, try to find a matching GitHub profile to fill the avatar, full name and organization fields
  • Import Committers from GitHub: For each imported author, try to find from GitHub all the repositories for which this author is a Committer
  • Link authors: Reconcile imported author with their different identities so that they represent the same person and so that their stats are aggregated



Using the Committers Macro

Parameter nameMandatory?Default valueDescription
repositoriescancelAll Repositories available for all the imported GitHub OrganizationsThe comma-separated list of Git Repositories for which to gather stats about, using the format (Organization id)/(Repository id). You can also use a star (*) to represent all Repositories for a given Organization. Examples: xwiki/xwiki-commons, xwiki-contrib/*, xwiki/*, xwiki-contrib/*.
contributorscancelfalseIf true then also list contributors who've had their pull requests merged
sincecancelSince the beginningThe number of days from now to go back in the past. Example: 365
inactivescancelfalseIf true then also lists inactive committers
typecancelwallif list then display results in a list format else display results in a wall format

Example 1: List everyone who has contributed to the XWiki Organization, including inactive Committers in the past 365 days using the wall format:

{{committers since="365" repositories="xwiki/*" contributors="true" inactives="true" /}}



  • Green color means a Committer
  • Yellow means a Contributor
  • Red means an inactive Committer (i.e. no commit during the period)

Example 2: List all Committers (excluding contributors) who've done commits for the xwiki Organization for the past 365 days, in a list format:

{{committers repositories="xwiki/*" since="365" type="list"/}}


Using the FirstCommits Macro

Parameter nameMandatory?Default valueDescription
repositoriescancelAll Repositories available for all the imported GitHub OrganizationsThe comma-separated list of Git Repositories for which to gather stats about, using the format (Organization id)/(Repository id). You can also use a star (*) to represent all Repositories for a given Organization. Examples: xwiki/xwiki-commons, xwiki-contrib/*, xwiki/*, xwiki-contrib/*.


{{firstCommits repositories="xwiki/*"/}}


Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

We recommend using the Extension Manager to install this extension (Make sure that the text "Installable with the Extension Manager" is displayed at the top right location on this page to know if this extension can be installed with the Extension Manager). Note that installing Extensions when being offline is currently not supported and you'd need to use some complex manual method.

You can also use the following manual method, which is useful if this extension cannot be installed with the Extension Manager or if you're using an old version of XWiki that doesn't have the Extension Manager:

  1. Log in the wiki with a user having Administration rights
  2. Go to the Administration page and select the Import category
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the downloaded XAR
  4. Click on the uploaded XAR and follow the instructions
  5. You'll also need to install all dependent Extensions that are not already installed in your wiki

Release Notes









Dependencies for this extension (org.xwiki.contrib:application-github-statistics-ui 2.2.2):

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